probably notDo you think the sloppy GTA port will be patched?
they gotta be. Their sales for GTA IV PC are dropping , they arent going anywhere near the top 10 selling PC games chart. I do think they are working on something because you know rockstar, they want to make the $$, so they'll need more customers.
I must be blessed then...the game works fine on my machine, yet I read so many other people have problems with it...
I think they are working on a patch. It would be foolish for them not to make a patch for this junk but then again, they never patched the junk that is Bully for the PC. I think they will but I still wouldn't be surprised if they didn't make one.I know one thing is for sure, I'll be definitely skipping any future GTA releases for the PC and possibly consoles if it ends up like GTA4 because that game is disappointing on so many levels and I don't mean for content either.
im gonna say yes.rockstar has generally supported the pc very well.
LOL! Heck no. You think Rockstar gives a rat's $$%# about the PC? If you do, you're delusional and naive. This will be the last GTA game ported to the PC. Mark my words.
[QUOTE=''w0lfbreeder'']im gonna say yes.rockstar has generally supported the pc very well. [/QUOTE] Yes they supported it well when their software was designed to run on the PS2 and the average PC could run it with much more detail. GTAIV proved that Rockstar isn't ready for the big game as far as programming is concerned. GTAIV was a sloppy unoptimized mess when released on the consoles, with heavy beta testing the only saving grace from being a letdown for the company. It had good potential but it looked like a bad port of a 4 year old PC game. The game was only running at 1280X720, yet most of the game was a blurry mess due to extreme mip mapping that was needed just to keep the game from looking like a slide show. When the PC version came out, they couldn't blame difficult console programming for bad design. GTAIV should have been amazing on the pc. Instead, we got another Ultima 9.
[QUOTE=''attirex'']LOL! Heck no. You think Rockstar gives a rat's $$%# about the PC? If you do, you're delusional and naive. This will be the last GTA game ported to the PC. Mark my words.[/QUOTE] It will be if sales fall even more and the reason why sales fall is because of Rockstar's laziness and only soon they will realise that.
[QUOTE=''mhofever''][QUOTE=''attirex'']LOL! Heck no. You think Rockstar gives a rat's $$%# about the PC? If you do, you're delusional and naive. This will be the last GTA game ported to the PC. Mark my words.[/QUOTE] It will be if sales fall even more and the reason why sales fall is because of Rockstar's laziness and only soon they will realise that. [/QUOTE]They will probably blame rampant piracy for poor sales, rather than rampan incompetence. That seems to be the trend of late. This is the same company that couldn't even get a console release of Bully (for the 360) to work quite right. They never did patch that mess properly, and the issues just got worse for the PC release (have to reduce your RAM to below 2 gigs to play). I didn't expect much from them for the GTA IV release, and was unfortunately not surprised. Which is a shame, I've enjoyed all the recent GTA games more on the PC than on the Playstation.
[QUOTE=''Royas''][QUOTE=''mhofever''][QUOTE=''attirex'']LOL! Heck no. You think Rockstar gives a rat's $$%# about the PC? If you do, you're delusional and naive. This will be the last GTA game ported to the PC. Mark my words.[/QUOTE] It will be if sales fall even more and the reason why sales fall is because of Rockstar's laziness and only soon they will realise that. [/QUOTE]They will probably blame rampant piracy for poor sales, rather than rampan incompetence. That seems to be the trend of late. This is the same company that couldn't even get a console release of Bully (for the 360) to work quite right. They never did patch that mess properly, and the issues just got worse for the PC release (have to reduce your RAM to below 2 gigs to play). I didn't expect much from them for the GTA IV release, and was unfortunately not surprised. Which is a shame, I've enjoyed all the recent GTA games more on the PC than on the Playstation. [/QUOTE] Right now, almost every PC gamer who owns GTA IV, retail or no retail, can say it was a **** port and there's no reason to blame piracy because alot of people are complainin about R*'s **** port on alot of forums already. Pirates won't say anything, they just shut up since they can crack this n that and since they didn't even pay for the game, the money which in return screws over honest gamers. So Rockstar will be the most hated company unless they do get a real fix working that would keep everyone calm.
already has been.
This Port is a shame in the porting history DO NOT BUY THIS GAME
OK, here's how it will pan out: In the next few months, Rockstar will release a statement via their PR agency, OR, more likely, via one of their mid- or upper-level managers who will make a comment to a gaming site during an interview with a 10-year-old kid. The statement will go something like this: Rockstar Lackey: ''...we feel that consoles are the future of gaming, so that's where we're going to focus our attention going forward.'' Interviewer: ''So no more PC ports?'' Lackey: ''Unless the situation on the platform changes drastically, no.'' This news will be instantly reported by Gamespot and all the major gaming media outlets. Console fanbois will jeer and laugh. These forums will erupt in flames with multiple threads that the mods will try to lock and consolidate with a like-herding-cats intensity. Threads on this forum will go something like this: Some dude will say this sucks, this is the worst thing to happen to PC gaming ever, PC gaming is dead, etc. Some other dude will reply that he feels betrayed how could Rockstar do this the first GTA game was on a PC, blah, blah, blah, and all of the first responders will express despair and suicidal tendencies at the prospect of no more Rockstar PC games. Then the tide will quickly shift (within the same thread) and the Rockstar Haters will jump on board and say Rockstar sucks, GTA IV was the worst port evar, PC gaming is better off without them, blah, blah, blah, Rockstar hasn't made a good game since GTA III, etc, etc, then the few diehard PC fanbois/defenders left will reiterate how PC gaming is NOT dead and that the platform is still strong look at all of the great titles coming out this year, etc, etc, then some other guy will mention well, what about Blizzard and WoW and Starcraft 2? Tell Blizzard that PC gaming is dead and then some other guy will say yeah, but WoW sucks, it's the worst MMO ever, it ruined MMOs and RPGs and everyone that thinks WoW is an RPG is retarded and then the stalwart WoW Fanbois/Defenders will jump in and say that WoW does NOT suck, YOU suck, you just don't know how to play WoW, you're probably a female night elf, etc, etc. and then the thread will veer into ten more pages of WoW debate that has absolutely NOTHING to do with Rockstar canceling PC ports but then some guy will post ''weren't we talking about Rockstar?'' and then the tread will be violently wrenched back onto the rails and then somebody will ask if their five year old blueberry ''IMAC'' can play Doom 3 and then I'll make some smart-arsed comment and the mods will send me a ToS violation warning and then dock me a point, etc., etc.
Hopefully they will iron out most problems, as it stands it's a poor port. :(
patch it why patch it? last time R* checked they stated that this is how it suppose to work in the first place:) ''The higher settings are for the future hardware''
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[QUOTE=''Hellboard'']patch it why patch it? last time R* checked they stated that this is how it suppose to work in the first place:) ''The higher settings are for the future hardware'' [/QUOTE] Yet it runs worse than the console versions, despite most PC gamers having hardware that far surpasses both the PS3 and 360.And what about the abnormal textures and frequent crashes? Oh it's how its supposed to work in the first place, I get it.
[QUOTE=''shalashaska88''][QUOTE=''Hellboard'']patch it why patch it? last time R* checked they stated that this is how it suppose to work in the first place:) ''The higher settings are for the future hardware'' [/QUOTE] Yet it runs worse than the console versions, despite most PC gamers having hardware that far surpasses both the PS3 and 360.And what about the abnormal textures and frequent crashes? Oh it's how its supposed to work in the first place, I get it. [/QUOTE] It's just another ignorant excuse from Rockstar trying to keep everyone settled, but it's not happening as we can see
[QUOTE=''mhofever''][QUOTE=''shalashaska88''][QUOTE=''Hellboard'']patch it why patch it? last time R* checked they stated that this is how it suppose to work in the first place:) ''The higher settings are for the future hardware'' [/QUOTE] Yet it runs worse than the console versions, despite most PC gamers having hardware that far surpasses both the PS3 and 360.And what about the abnormal textures and frequent crashes? Oh it's how its supposed to work in the first place, I get it. [/QUOTE] It's just another ignorant excuse from Rockstar trying to keep everyone settled, but it's not happening as we can see[/QUOTE]True. And the fact that they said that only a handful of gamers are experiencing these problems is dissapointing. Damage control I guess.
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