Are you crippled cause that takes down your chances of hitting peopleFALLOUT 3 vats with small guns?
If you are, in any way, conscious of Fallout 3's innards you will know that there's a perk that will grant you increased accuracy with small, one handed weapons. Blazingly obvious out of the way, I 100% agree that Fallout 3's weapons (not just the pistols) tend to be woefully inaccurate in VATs. I think it may be due to weapon condition (which explains why they are so damn bad, your weap duration level can only go at around 52% unless your repair skill is sky high) and your stance (crouched or standing? - sorry you can't bloody prone in this game because your PC is too afraid his willy will go green with radiation exposure).You'd be better off hitting a bee in free mode than a supermutant in VATs I'm afraid unless you get the perks. I believe that the pistols are so bad on purpose to make you look forward to the bigger, more accurate guns such as the hunting rifle, but then you still need that accuracy perk to make the best headshots with them too.My only recommendation is get ALL your gun skills up as high as you can without forfeiting other skills and always quicksave before a VATs performance so that if you miss, just quickload and try again. Try and catch your oponents unawares in VATs too, the sneak criticals are the highlight of the combat in the game, seeing your enemy do a power dive forward without his head is just magical.
Do you have any points put into the small arms ability (forget it's actual name, haven't played in a month or so.) because otherwise you'd get some reallly low accuracy.
[QUOTE=''luvdalord_basic'']i just switched from 360 to pc and i noticed that the vats with any small gun is useless i have on average a 2%chance to hit the body and 0% anywere else so is it normal for vats to be this bad or is this a glitch. Thanks
Check to see if you are cripple, also remember this is a rpg where stats (in this case points into small guns) is important as well.
The thing is it worked great on 360. 80% chance to hit ect ect. Now that Im playing the PC version its really different. Like many times it say 0% chance to hit or 5% and I'm 3 feet away. I'm curious if its that much different on pc or I got a glitch going on? Meele is about 80% chance to hit and so is granade just like on the 360...Hmmm. I did just start the game but my agility is good 40 points or so? Thanks for the prior comments.
Huh... I'm at the beginning (on PC) and my accuracy with the gun is up around 70%
[QUOTE=''luvdalord_basic'']The thing is it worked great on 360. 80% chance to hit ect ect. Now that Im playing the PC version its really different. Like many times it say 0% chance to hit or 5% and I'm 3 feet away. I'm curious if its that much different on pc or I got a glitch going on? Meele is about 80% chance to hit and so is granade just like on the 360...Hmmm. I did just start the game but my agility is good 40 points or so? Thanks for the prior comments.[/QUOTE]
Sounds like some sort of glitch going on. Only time I ever saw % that low is if you are standing nose to nose with an enemy, or too far away. (obviously)
sniper rifle ftw! blows mutants heads off brilliantly.
1. Either it's a glitch, inwhich case a Patch or restarting a New game should fix it.
2. You are either too close, crippled, line of fire is obstructed or have horrible Small guns skill.
3. This is an attempt to bash a game for your own amusement or various other reasons unknown.
[QUOTE=''Treflis'']1. Either it's a glitch, inwhich case a Patch or restarting a New game should fix it. 2. You are either too close, crippled, line of fire is obstructed or have horrible Small guns skill. 3. This is an attempt to bash a game for your own amusement or various other reasons unknown.[/QUOTE]I own it on 2 different platforms so its deffinatly not #3. I'm thinking its #1 at this point. I tried a 2nd game but its doing the same thing. I think I'll try a reinstall. A google search came up dry on this particular issue. Thanks again.
Are you just really far away from them lolz?
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