Friday, April 9, 2010

Games in browser appealing to us in 2009

I never expect browser games growing that fast even back in early 2008 but after read the article posted on bbgsite apparently I was wrong lol. There are too much info so I just put up the link, you can take an overview before clicking on each one. Also the official site link included if you are too lazy to see yourself. So enjoy xD

5 Games that I am Looking Forward to in 2009


5th Eldevin -

4th Coobico -

3rd Pirate Galaxy -

2nd Earth Eternal -

1st Quake Live - in browser appealing to us in 2009
Well those all look nice, especially for someone like me who's stuck with a crappy laptop. Personally I can't wait for Quake Live.Games in browser appealing to us in 2009
eh. beats runescape.
[QUOTE=''Xeros606'']eh. beats runescape.[/QUOTE]even though they are way better than Runescape but I highly doubt that would happen...-

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