Sunday, April 11, 2010

microphone/speaker troubles on Left 4 Dead

just got the game, really looking forward to playing it online. i am determined to play it with my microphone that i have used many times before on many many different games, both on the pc and my various consoles. however, i plug it into my pc this time around, and now ALL of the sound for the game is playing in my mic headphone (it has a left ear speaker). how can i get the games various sounds to play through my normal speakers and just have the voice chat going through my mic?cheers in advancemicrophone/speaker troubles on Left 4 Dead
In your Windows sound control panel, choose the audio device your regular speakers are connected to for playback, and choose the audio device the microphone is connected to for recording. This should be done before you start the game.Note that the voice communication from other players will come through your regular speakers along with the rest of the game sounds. The vast majority of PC games do not support multiple audio devices. So you can't choose one output for ''regular'' game sounds and a different output for the voice chat coming to you from other players.The only way to get the voice chat to come through the earpiece while game sounds come through the speakers would be to use a dedicated voice chat program like TeamSpeak or Vent, but that would also require that everyone you are playing with are using the same software and are connected to the same voice chat server. Dedicated voice chat apps can usually be configured to use different playback/recording devices than the default specified in the Windows sound control panel.

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