Sunday, April 11, 2010

Can vista play morrowind ?

some times i hear old games don't work with vista, has any one played morrowind on vista ? thanks Can vista play morrowind ?
I'd assume it can, you just run older games in Windows xp mode...Can vista play morrowind ?
no vista.... well you get the point!
[QUOTE=''Hellboard'']no vista.... well you get the point![/QUOTE]

:lol: What?

Anyways, yes, it works with Vista. It crashed on me from time to time but for some reason that happens to me often on Vista.
Morrowind would crash often even on xp systems if they wern't configured right. Just make sure everything is up to date and you should have minimal problems.
[QUOTE=''iki080'']some times i hear old games don't work with vista, has any one played morrowind on vista ?

thanks [/QUOTE]

I ran it on Vista but I only played it for less than and hour I was just testing something else out. But clearly that is not long enough to say for sure
Do us all a favor and downgrade!
[QUOTE=''Steameffekt'']Do us all a favor and downgrade![/QUOTE]


If we all did that we would be remain on DirectX 9 until jesus comes back
[QUOTE=''GodLovesDead''][QUOTE=''Hellboard'']no vista.... well you get the point![/QUOTE]

:lol: What?

Anyways, yes, it works with Vista. It crashed on me from time to time but for some reason that happens to me often on Vista.[/QUOTE]

exactly crashes and bad performance or errors in installs happen often in vista... plus not being able to run old games, thats why i switched to xp they are more suitable to my needs!
[QUOTE=''SEANMCAD''][QUOTE=''Steameffekt'']Do us all a favor and downgrade![/QUOTE]


If we all did that we would be remain on DirectX 9 until jesus comes back[/QUOTE]

downgrade indeed dx10 is a joke i use both xp and vista and get no visible diffirences on dx9 and dx 10.. only bad performance so.. UPGRADE to xp you can do it too!!!
[QUOTE=''Hellboard''][QUOTE=''SEANMCAD''][QUOTE=''Steameffekt'']Do us all a favor and downgrade![/QUOTE] incorrect! If we all did that we would be remain on DirectX 9 until jesus comes back[/QUOTE] downgrade indeed dx10 is a joke i use both xp and vista and get no visible diffirences on dx9 and dx 10.. only bad performance so.. UPGRADE to xp you can do it too!!![/QUOTE]Only if you have a piss poor computer. Vista runs great on all my desktops, also you know server 2008 is a giant success right? Guess what it's based off of? Vista.
i ran morrowind fine on my computer, however the expansions wouldn't load due to random errorsyes, i do have Vista
[QUOTE=''Renegade_Fury''][QUOTE=''Hellboard''][QUOTE=''SEANMCAD''] incorrect! If we all did that we would be remain on DirectX 9 until jesus comes back[/QUOTE] downgrade indeed dx10 is a joke i use both xp and vista and get no visible diffirences on dx9 and dx 10.. only bad performance so.. UPGRADE to xp you can do it too!!![/QUOTE]Only if you have a piss poor computer. Vista runs great on all my desktops, also you know server 2008 is a giant success right? Guess what it's based off of? Vista.[/QUOTE]

my old 8600 gt runs great on xp but in vista..... now i got 9800 gtx +
Morrowind crashes regardless.

Getting the Morrowind Code Patch will help with that, only one crash thus far.

And yes, it works with Vista.

And stop cluttering this thread with anti vista, biased, ignorant hate.
[QUOTE=''Hellboard''][QUOTE=''GodLovesDead''][QUOTE=''Hellboard'']no vista.... well you get the point![/QUOTE] :lol: What? Anyways, yes, it works with Vista. It crashed on me from time to time but for some reason that happens to me often on Vista.[/QUOTE] exactly crashes and bad performance or errors in installs happen often in vista... plus not being able to run old games, thats why i switched to xp they are more suitable to my needs![/QUOTE] By a far margin most of the games I play on Vista where created before Vista and they all work fine. Slient Storm is the only issue but it didnt work well on XP either.Oh and my point about DirectX 10 which I think you missed is this that if nobody upgrades you can forget about EVER moving forward.No directx 10,11,12,13,23, etc...AND nobody will ever be intrested in improving DirectX 10 either. would you if your entire market was on XP?
[QUOTE=''Hellboard'']my old 8600 gt runs great on xp but in vista..... now i got 9800 gtx +[/QUOTE]*looks at rig with the 8600GT and Vista and shrugs* Works fine for me.

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