Friday, April 9, 2010

How much easier is crysis: warhead to run then crysis

I can run crysis pretty well at a comfortable frame rate. about half of settings on very high, and then everything else on high (except shading, which i had to set to medium)how would i handle warhead? How much easier is crysis: warhead to run then crysis
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i'd say about the same u still need a good rig to max it out.
It runs pretty similarly, i run them both on the same settings, just get more fps on warhead. So if you can run crysis on those then you can probably run warhead with those same settings and get more fps, or up a few of the other settings and get the same fps.
[QUOTE=''REforever101'']I can run crysis pretty well at a comfortable frame rate. about half of settings on very high, and then everything else on high (except shading, which i had to set to medium)how would i handle warhead? [/QUOTE]

The high specs required for Crysis are not due to poor optimization. Crysis Warhead is going to perform about the same as Crysis, but has been made a little more friendly for low end specs (People who can barely run Crysis on lowest res/lowest settings will probably get playable FPS at lowest settings on Warhead).

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