Every Sunday after I do mantiance/updates.Until then it's just standbye.How often do you turn your PC off?
My gaming PC goes on only when I am playing games, my internet /email PC is on most of the day when I am home, otherwise off when not around...
Everyday, I turn it off when I don't use it.
Almost never turn off my computer .. make restarts for updates to OS and other apps .. and full shut-downs only when I'm going to be away for more than a day.
i used to leave my desktop on 24/7 but it became really noisy, and being 2 ft away from my bed, i have to turn it off now.
my laptop: sometimes i leave it on for days (when im downloading something) otherwise i turn it off at night
Pretty much never. And it runs perfectly.
My PC has probably been on since the summer, unless you count the numerous restarts I've had.
I turn my laptop off probably around 4 times a week, when i'm at work overnight i tend to turn it off more.
Usually when I'm done using it, gotta conserve that energy fool!
When I'm done using it usually.
[QUOTE=''thusaha'']Everyday, I turn it off when I don't use it.[/QUOTE]same
sleep and hibernate, reboot only when a windows update or installation requires it
In my experience, PCs that are left running for weeks tend to be more sluggish than those turned off when not in use.
[QUOTE=''thusaha'']Everyday, I turn it off when I don't use it.[/QUOTE]
Same here. I turn it off when not in use.
Follow up to the original question, why not turn the PC off when not in use? Is there any advantage to that? I think that it's a big waste of energy.
On during the entire day. Off during the entire night. The only exception to this is when I have 2gb+ download, then I leave it on during the night.
[QUOTE=''rlc-madcat'']Follow up to the original question, why not turn the PC off when not in use? Is there any advantage to that? I think that it's a big waste of energy.[/QUOTE]
My guess would be that they don't have the patience to wait out the booting time.
[QUOTE=''rlc-madcat'']Follow up to the original question, why not turn the PC off when not in use? Is there any advantage to that? I think that it's a big waste of energy.[/QUOTE]
I turn it off to conserve...some believe that turning on and off shortens the life of the components. I believe that the restarts only reduces the lifespan slightly. On the other hand constant heats also shorten the lifespan as well. Would you leave your TV on without watching it continuously for days or a week? I doubt it...
every night.
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