Friday, April 9, 2010

PC games with good compaigns.

im looking for pc games that have good campaigns. i dont really care about the multiplayer. i really liked the warcraft, crysis, fable campaign. i didnt really like oblivion. thanks for the ideas!PC games with good compaigns.
world at war was really goodPC games with good compaigns.
Starcraft Battlechest if you liked Warcraft and Half Life 2 with Episodes and Portal was very good.
im kind of looking for RPG,FPS games. games not like RTS where you control whole armies. i was looking into assasins creed it looked like prince of persia which i liked very much and a blend with fable. how is this game, i know my comp will play at nicely but what game can you compare it to? is it fun, alot of freedom? is it worth it? thanks
Assassin's Creed is not very good, and I wouldn't recommend it. Definitely pick up Orange Box and start with Half-Life. Work your way up to Half-Life: Episode 2.
well theirs Crysis,Crysis Warhead, The Witcher, Gears of war, COD:World of Warstuff like that. And Assassins Creed is pretty good. It does get kind repetitive thoe
[QUOTE=''dragonmaster64'']im kind of looking for RPG,FPS games. games not like RTS where you control whole armies. i was looking into assasins creed it looked like prince of persia which i liked very much and a blend with fable. how is this game, i know my comp will play at nicely but what game can you compare it to? is it fun, alot of freedom? is it worth it? thanks[/QUOTE]

RPGs you might look at the Witcher and Mass Effect, there is also Fallout 3 but if you didn't like Oblivion you might not like it, but most seem to think FO3 is a lot better...
try world in conflict... the nuclear... boom!!!
Well, good campaigns and good stories go hand in hand imo, so here are some of my favorite singleplayer games:Command and Conquer seriesHomeworld series, especially Homeworld 1 and the standalone expansion, CatacylsmDeus ExSystem Shock 2Thief seriesSplinter Cell (excluding Double Agent or whatever the most recent one is....yuck!)Halflife seriesNeverwinter Nights seriesKnights of the Old Republic 1 and 2Mass EffectIndependence War 2

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